World Health Summit 2023

“We Need a Fair And Sus­tain­able Multilateralism.”
World Health Sum­mit 2023 ends with clear demands. A major­i­ty of speak­ers were women.

Berlin, Octo­ber 17, 2023. The World Health Sum­mit 2023 end­ed this after­noon after three days with 370 speak­ers in 63 ses­sions. Around 3,100 par­tic­i­pants from 106 coun­tries took part on site in Berlin.

At the cen­tral clos­ing event, World Health Sum­mit Pres­i­dent Axel R. Pries called for inter­na­tion­al coöper­a­tion: “The glob­al health com­mu­ni­ty must set an exam­ple in inter­na­tion­al part­ner­ship and coöper­a­tion to tack­le the mount­ing chal­lenges of pro­vid­ing healthy liv­ing con­di­tions worldwide.”

The push for fair and sus­tain­able mul­ti­lat­er­al­ism and improv­ing glob­al health care in times of cli­mate change are also the top­ics of the M8 Alliance Dec­la­ra­tion, issued at the end of the World Health Sum­mit. Cen­tral demands: “Move from frag­men­ta­tion to coöper­a­tion and inte­gra­tion, address dis­par­i­ties with­in and between coun­tries, address the needs of the most vulnerable.”