African Medical Tourism Congress 2021

The Ger­man Med­ical Well­ness Asso­ci­a­tion has the hon­or to invite to the African Med­ical Tourism Con­gress 2021, see fol­low­ing information:

With all due respect, we are hon­ored to bring to your kind atten­tion that the Leader Expo Com­pa­ny will be hold­ing the 2nd African Med­ical Tourism Con­gress Tunisia (AMTC TUNISIA), 25 to 27 November,2021 at Palace Gam­marth Hotel — Tunis. 

AMTC TUNISIA will be host­ed under the aus­pices of the Min­istry of health and the Min­istry of Tourism in TUNISIA , under the theme: “Chal­lenges of health tourism”. The emer­gence of Africa which is the tar­get of all our var­i­ous oper­a­tors in the Med­ical sec­tor in the world.

African Medical Tourism Congress – AMTC Tunisia 2021

To boost the AMTC TUNISIA first edi­tion, More than 05 Health Min­istries & 50 for­eign del­e­ga­tions will be invited,such as Alge­ria, Mau­ri­tanie, Libye, Sudan, Moroc­co, Egypte, Sene­gal, Cot­ed’Ivoire, Cam­mer­oun, Tchad, Niger, Nige­ria, Guinia, Con­go, Bénin, Gabon, Mali, Ughan­da, Iraq, Jor­danie, Koweit, Oman, Inde, Turkey, Italy, .…

The sci­en­tif­ic con­fer­ence pro­gram will also be char­ac­ter­ized by the diver­si­ty and sig­nif­i­cant pre­sen­ta­tions rang­ing from the cur­rent state of med­ical tourism to trends, chal­lenges and the future of med­ical trav­el. It will also tack­le the neces­si­ty of a joint nation­al plat­form, accred­i­ta­tion, insur­ance, the future of health care and med­ical tourism promotion.

We wish to go fur­ther togeth­er in upgrad­ing the med­ical tourism sec­tor in Africa whose major issue is clear to you. To this effect, we would like to have your com­pa­ny par­tic­i­pate in this impor­tant even by tak­ing part in the exhi­bi­tion or the event’s spon­sor­ship pro­gram to help suc­cess­ful­ly host the AMTCTUNISIA and make the bet­ter for Health and Wellness.