IMTJ Medical Travel Summit — Join us in the virtual world of medical travel

Video-Konferenz Zoom

Wher­ev­er you are in the world, you can par­tic­i­pate in the IMTJ Med­ical Trav­el Sum­mit 2020, tak­ing place on Sep­tem­ber 23rd – 24th in a vir­tu­al, online envi­ron­ment. Due to Covid-19 issues, Laing­Buis­son, the pub­lish­ers of Inter­na­tion­al Med­ical Trav­el Jour­nal will be using state of the art Vfairs tech­nol­o­gy to deliv­er a vir­tu­al IMTJ con­fer­ence and build … Weit­er­lesen …